Ezra Pound, the learned American poet was arrested by Italian partisans in 1945 and handed over to the US forces, who held him for six months at a Disciplinary Training Centre near Pisa. For several weeks he was imprisoned in the so-called Gorilla Cage out in the elements, a poet on display. Finally they got him a tent. They broke him. He revealed the Axis Poetry plans.
Pound had lived in Rapallo, Italy and was way pro-Fascist. He made anti-American speeches before and during the Second World War and was considered a war enemy. He hated Roosevelt, Jews, and thought the Americans were going to lose the war. Well, Uncle got their hands on him, put him in a cage, convicted him of treason, stuck him in a looney bin. Helluva deal!
Read Elmore Leonard’s Pronto–Ezra’s in it big time!
Hmm, looks kind of like the guy we heard talk last night!